
My name is Dietitian Leena am Nagpur based Qualified clinical dietitian and wellness nutritionist. Dietitian Leena set out with a mission for creating awareness about health ,Eradicating myths ,and making India the global leader in healthcare but not through medicines ,only through the magic of Diets. she has two year experience and has specialized in “Diet in Health and Disease”.

Dietitian Leena works on all gut health issues including ,Food intolerances , and Ulcerative colitis. She also deals with PCOS and PCOD , Anemia ,CKD ,Food Allergies, Brain Health  like (Metabolic disfunction ) ,Diabetes ,Hypertension ,Thyroid ,Obesity  and also condition like Fatty Liver Disease ,Infertility , Lactose intolerances , Mental health like Depression ,Skin Disease ,and several other like Neuro condition .